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Santo Stefano di Sessanio (Abruzzo)
Santo Stefano di Sessanio is a fortified medieval village, in the province of L'Aquila, in the Abruzzo region of southern Italy.
Located in the mountains of Abruzzo at 1250 meters above sea level, inside the Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga national park, this medieval hill town sits adjacent to the high plain of Campo Imperatore.
The tiny medieval village of Santo Stefano has been abandoned with many of its ancient buildings in ruins and only 70 inhabitants until recent years. Now, many of the village's buildings have been restored. Some comprise the Sextantio Albergo Diffuso, or extended hotel. Other structures have been restored as vacation homes.
Along with its neighbor Castel del Monte, Santo Stefano has been named one of Italy's prettiest villages, "I Borghi Piu belli D’Italia", and recognized by the Slow Food movement for its sustainable agriculture, in particular its gourmet lentils, "lenticchie". The town holds a festival on the first weekend in September of each year, the "Sagra delle Lenticchie", celebrating this food.
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BANK ACCOUNTS … Advice on best and cheapest ( charges) bank accounts for Italy. Had a BPER account they were charging me €17 every couple of months just to have a debit card 😳. Also about about saving accounts any thoughts. Many thanks for any advice 😊👍🏻
@pd.1965 asks:
Hi Guys,
We are purchasing a house in Abruzzo as a second home with a view we will stay for a month at a time as we would like to drive down from the UK. Calais, Reims, into Switzerland route. We would like to bring our two dogs with us and would welcome any tips.