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If you are planning to travel down to Italy, but don't know where to stay on your overnight stops - this site may be of use;-

After my success answering Annec's question, its my turn.

However, I’m not clever enough for an ‘Italian’ question – so I’ll go for one with a ‘Greek’ connection instead

Comments posted

Government website says you need  a Passenger Locator Form and a Covid Test Certificate (less than 48 hours old).

Gluten free eating out in Italy

Air in Radiators

As you live in the top flat, air in the system will always tend to collect in your radiators. 

I'd suggest that you bleed them every day, rather than waiting for the air to build up in them - bit of a pain, I know, but at least that should get them working more efficiently.

One other thing, if there is a lot of air in the rads, it could indicate a fault in the system, allowing air to enter it.  This is often the pump(s).  If they are old/worn, or under sized for the job, that could be a major cause.  Raise that with the porter when you speak to him.  Check the servicing frequency for the system with him.

Good luck

Plus charges for gas, water  and electrics - even when the place is empty (Standing Charges). Plus annual  gas boiler service charge (mandatory). 

How easy was it to get the COVID19 test in Italy?  Also, what type of test was it? (PCR or Lateral Flow), and what is the cost?

Glad to see that the Italian 5 day quarantine requirement for UK citizens who are double jabbed will stop on Tuesday - just get a COVID19 test within 48 hours of arrival.

Hopefully we'll get there this year.

Get a new passport in your maiden name? ( I think that's allowable, but not sure)


As long as you aren't in a hurry - I gather there are big delays issuing passports at present.

Are they still requiring uk residents to quarantine on entry to Italy?

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