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Sounds like you have fond memories!  

My mother emigrated to the United States in 1961.  Her maiden name is DeMarco, from Cavasso Nuovo.

My sister visits Cavasso Nuovo every summer.  Depending on travel dates, she said she would consider aligning her visit with yours.  However, she's not available until mid-July. 

I'm happy to exchange information but I'm not sure if there is a secure way of doing it.  I'm new to this website so I'm not familiar with its capabilities.  Do you have Facebook account?  If so, I can message you there privately.  You can search for me as well - Tim Barnett (Florida USA).

Hi Josiesut52 - My mother came from that area too. She grew up in the next town over, Cavasso Nuovo.  Some things to consider are, 1.  Go to the marcato in Maniago. It’s only open on Mondays. 2.  Cutlery museum also in Maniago.  This area has been making cutlery since the 1600s. 3.  For an authentic Friulian meal go to Trattoria Ai Cacciatori in Cavasso Nuovo. 4.  There’s a cool little museum at the municipio in Cavasso Nuovo that will tell you about the migration and impact people from the area had on the world. You’ll want to call first to make arrangements because it’s not always open.  5. Go to Pofabro and take a step back in time. It’s a small village with homes that are probably well over a hundred years old. 6.  There’s a mosaic school in Spilimbergo. You can spend maybe a half a day there learning how to make a tile mosaic.  This area is well-known for mosaic work.  All of these things should give you a good feel for our heritage. I hope this helps. Feel free to ask me more questions!