User Activity

Suspected Aspergers replied to a question: Warning - Car Hire Rip-off Pisa with: "Older cars renting"
Suspected Aspergers replied to a question: Usage of Italian..... with: "L A D O L C E V I T A - you hypocrite"
Suspected Aspergers replied to a question: Thankyou with: "GPRS & EDGE & II"
Suspected Aspergers replied to a question: How to live frugally in Italy with: "Italian words"
Suspected Aspergers replied to a question: heating advice with: "Grants for Non residents"
Suspected Aspergers replied to a question: What are some people like.... with: "Flip - have you had mex"
Suspected Aspergers replied to a question: House renovation- prices with: "paint"
Suspected Aspergers replied to a question: Thankyou with: ""It was the highest hit"
Suspected Aspergers replied to a question: IMU nightmare - what to do? with: "Local professionals"
Suspected Aspergers replied to a question: WHO - Mild autism - Formerly known as Aspergers to be renamed in 2013 with: "Thankyou"