User Activity
Sabina replied to a question: A good deed for Xmas...give an abandoned dog a home! with: "putting animals "to sleep""
Sabina replied to a question: making ends meet with: "nettle soup"
Sabina replied to a question: Rescued puppies need a home... with: "Italians and animals"
Sabina replied to a question: A good deed for Xmas...give an abandoned dog a home! with: "dogs et al"
Sabina replied to a question: American Mortgage with: "mortgages"
Sabina replied to a question: puppies - update with: "Absolutely! There is a vast"
Sabina replied to a question: New to the Forum with: "Naples and Campania"
Sabina replied to a question: ENEL: resident & non-resident rates and kW with: "as others have said, you can"
Sabina replied to a question: puppies - update with: "the pups"
Sabina replied to a question: Christmas book list with: "A truly enthralling read!"