User Activity
sebastiano replied to a question: The foxes and the cherries with: "foxes...and fruits..."
sebastiano replied to a question: Does anyone know about grants for property renovation? with: "public grants"
sebastiano replied to a question: Snow tyres and chains with: "snow tyres etc."
sebastiano replied to a question: Maybe a bit old but interesting nonetheless .. with: "italy"
sebastiano replied to a question: Hosepipe bans in Italy with: "water shortages"
sebastiano replied to a question: police checking unofficial tourist "houses" owned by brits with: "police check on british owned houses..."
sebastiano replied to a question: Christmas bonus Postino/Postina with: "tipping..."
sebastiano replied to a question: Gas Prices with: "gas prices"
sebastiano replied to a question: How do you get a numero civico? And also - how much is it to get a telephone line!? with: "numero civico-telecom"
sebastiano replied to a question: How to get to San Siro with: "stadio san siro"