User Activity
Ugo replied to a question: Ciao a tutti! We are on the verge with: "Bad news from Sardinia , no"
Ugo replied to a question: We bought a small apartment in southern with: "depend by a cadrastal walue ."
Ugo replied to a question: continued. Our property with: " "
Ugo replied to a question: Hi I inherited a share of my with: "hm . modicasa , you to tink"
Ugo replied to a question: My mother just found out that she may with: "Comiso and Vittoria , are"
Ugo replied to a question: Buongiorno! Can anyone recommend a with: "free on charges ?"
Ugo replied to a question: Hi dear community, I want to move to with: "for rent , you can use > "
Ugo replied to a question: So, if Extra virgin olive oil is one of with: "Hi LargeLewis,"
Ugo replied to a question: Hello apart from the tax savings with: "okay okay, maybe here,"
Ugo replied to a question: I am keen to know, in the current with: "for Gala"