9043 Ancona station location?

I want to check on which station the EuroStar train from Venezia to Ancona arrives at in Ancona, the one near the port? Also what is the best way to get to that station from the A14?

Thanks for the help.

Travel, Talk, Safety

Bologna-Ancona certainly stops at the central station in Ancona. Don't know if its near the port or not, but its where the hire car offices are!

I found it quite easy to find again coming off the autostrada - head for the centre and you'll pick up signs to the station

It is the one near the port and it is well signed.

[quote=Bruno;85244]I want to check on which station the EuroStar train from Venezia to Ancona arrives at in Ancona, the one near the port? Also what is the best way to get to that station from the A14?

Thanks for the help.[/quote]
Use this link [url=http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=ferrovia+stazione+ancona,+le+marche,+italy&ie=UTF8&ll=43.608737,13.509707&spn=0.013641,0.031886&z=15]ferrovia stazione ancona, le marche, italy - Google Maps[/url]
it will take you to a detailed google map of the station area- click on the minus button to pan out and get a wider area- it will also give you directions to or from wherever you want- if you click on point "F" on the map and then go to the "get directions button top - right.
All the best

[quote=Bruno;85244]I want to check on which station the EuroStar train from Venezia to Ancona arrives at in Ancona, the one near the port? Also what is the best way to get to that station from the A14?

Thanks for the help.[/quote]
come off at Ancona Nord, follow the signs for Ancona centro,then for the station,it's close to the port,well signposted and takes 8 minutes ..circa, from the motorway
there's street pay parking in front of the station if you're lucky but at least the fifth time round you'll get a place.