9051 Sulmona Estate Agent

After numerous trips to central Italy over the years I have decided, like many others, to buy a house.
My grandmother came from near Sulmona, which is a town I know and like, and so I will be buying something there. Can anyone suggest a trustworthy estate agent in town I could use? I speak Italian but would consider a British agent if the prices are not too bumped up. Many thanks.


Hiya If you change your option to receive pms then I will send you a pm of a list of Estate Agents.

Here is a list of other Agents in Sulmona - [url=http://www.paginegialle.it/pg/cgi/pgsearch.cgi?btt=1&ts=1&l=1&cb=0&ind=&nc=&xpix=1000&ypix=400&qs=immobiliare&dv=Sulmona]Hai cercato Immobiliare nel comune di Sulmona | PagineGialle.it[/url]

Buona Fortuna

Here is an agent I know who is in Sulmona, [url=http://www.prossimacasa.com]prossimacasa.com - The gateway to buying and restoring your new home in Abruzzo[/url] run by Clive McCombe.
You will also find good information at [url=http://www.myabruzzohome.com]Abruzzo Property Information[/url] and a list of agents with many in that area who will also have properties in your location.

Prossima Casa is on the list I sent you Anth08 but based in Introdaqua which is 10 minutes from Sulmona and tends not to deal with properties in Sulmona. However he is to be recommended.