10608 Hello from Val Borbera

Hopefully I've finally cracked the mysterious workings of a forum and what I'm about to write will miraculously appear on the right page! So hello everyone. I'm really looking forward to chatting to people from abroad who have been living in Italy for many years. I have lived in the beautiful [B]Borbera valley[/B] in the Province of Alessandria for 28 years. I am married to an Italian and have 3 children. I have done all types of English teaching but in the last nine years I have been involved in local administration. I would love to "meet" someone who is or has been a local councillor or anyone who lives in South East Piedmont - if I can be of any help to any newcomers...

Introduce Yourself - Piacere Conoscerti

Hello Susan and welcome. :smile:
I'm sure after 28 years in Italy you will have the answer to many a forum members query.