Can anyone tell me the web site address for obtaining proof of ownership of various Foglio and Particella for land and property for the Prov of Perugia. I have some downloads that were taken from the web by my estate agent, entitled Visura per Soggetto Situazione degli atti informatizzati al.. and then the date, but there are some missing for my property, and the pages contain no web site address.

Property Sales/Rental Advice

Looking at the location you give, I wonder if you actually own property in the Comune of Perugia? I believe that the info you require is kept by your Comune rather than by the Province.

I don't believe that there is a website available (real time) to the public for the visure which you want. However, many estate agents, all notaios, and a lot of geometras have (paid) access to the Sister system. Send a PM to ram - he can do it if he's willing.

If you have any particular worries, and know your foglio particelle details, the agenzia del territorio (?spelling) have a seachable database (by comune) for 'dodgy' particelle.

I was too tired last night to check out your question thoroughly SherrattJ and Charles has given good advice.

Having now check try this ...
The main web site is [url=http://www.catastoinrete.it]Visure catastali[/url]

There is a list of products and prices at [url=http://www.catastoinrete.it/listino_visure_catasto.asp]listino visure e servizi catastali[/url]

Not all provinces are available online, but Perugia is.

Visure catastali cannot proof ownership...you need to search into conservatoria dei registri immobiliari of Perugia's provincia...

Thanks idb, is this a web site?, as I cannot find a link to a site where I can input my Foglio and Particella information.

Thanks Charles, sorry we are new to the forum, who is ram and how do I contact him?

ram (I hope I've got the right member!) has a subscription access to the Sister set-up (which allows estate agents like him to access catastal information). You could send him a Private Message.

However (as ldb has pointed out) a visura isn't totally dependable. I'd recommend you go and see either the notaio who did your act, or your geometra if he has a big enough office, and ask them to do the visure for you. It won't cost much at all, and if anything looks not spot on they'll be able to advise you how to proceed.

[quote=SHERRATTJ;99396]Thanks Charles, sorry we are new to the forum, who is ram and how do I contact him?[/quote]

You can send a Private Message through Ram's member page;
[url=http://www.italymag.co.uk/forums/members/ram.html]Italy Magazine Forums - View Profile: ram[/url]

[quote=SHERRATTJ;99395]Thanks idb, is this a web site?, as I cannot find a link to a site where I can input my Foglio and Particella information.[/quote]

no, there isn't.
you may ask for a professional to check it out for you...otherwise you have to go there with all the information you have to verify if what is written on visura catastale is correct....normally it is, but you can't trust on it....a Notaio could help you