In reply to A newbie all over again! by Annec
10841 Civility
In light of several recent postings, I would urge everyone to read the general rules of the forums. I think the majority of us are here because of our love of Italy and desire to impart the knowledge we have or interest in learning more about our shared interest. During the several years in which I have been a member, I have seen that a number of members are no longer active. I wonder if some of them have felt attacked by other members and decided to no longer participate?
When responding to another member, it would be helpful to remember the rules of etiquette and civility. If you would not say something directly to someone's face why would you print it in a post? I think we all need to be mindful and courteous when responding to each other. There really is no need for snide or sarcastic comments. If you have an issue with a member, please take it up with them privately and do not subject them to public ridicule.
From other forums I have checked out, we have one of the more interesting, helpful and active sites. Let's keep it that way!
All of us who have been around a while have seen the activity levels of members wax and wane. There are lots of reasons why that happens. You may well be right that some people are hurt or offended by comments made here and decide to not come back.
However, this is one of the most civil internet forums I've encountered, so I really doubt that's a major factor in people ceasing to be active participants.
I think I'm generally pretty good at not saying things here that I wouldn't say to someone in person. However, there are delicate souls around; some take offence at anyone expressing in frank terms an opinion contrary to their own, some are hurt if anyone should ever question their own opinions and judgement.
If a member of this forum feels that another member is being rude or personally attacking another member, then it's easy enough to report the matter to the moderators: just click on the little read triangle in the upper right-hand corner of the post in question.