Crucifix hearing next week

| Thu, 06/24/2010 - 05:39

On June 30th the European Court of Human Rights will hear, in open session, Italy’s appeal to have the Court’s ruling on crucifixes in classrooms overturned.

In November the Court ruled that displaying the crucifix in Italy’s schools “violates the right of parents to bring up their children according to their own beliefs” and “violates students’ religious freedom”. The decision caused uproar in Italy and its possible implications have worried other countries in the EU.

Ahead of the hearing, Cardinal Keith O’Brien, President of the Bishops’ Conference in Scotland, has called upon the ECHR to uphold the principles of freedom and tolerance, reports the Christian Post. The Cardinal said,

“The precious religious heritage of many people and nations across Europe as well as the values of authentic tolerance and freedom of belief that are propounded in democratic societies are under threat.”

The UK religious organisation Premier Christian Media has applied to represent Britain in the hearing as the implications of any decision will extend beyond Italy. Representatives from Armenia, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Lithuania, Malta, Monaco, San Marino, Romania and Russia will also attend the hearing as official “third party” supporters of Italy.

Do you agree with ECHR or with the Cardinal?
