The demise of the latin lover?

| Mon, 08/02/2010 - 05:31

Italy’s famous “Latin lovers” are no longer a hit with women from foreign countries, reports Vie Del Gusto magazine. According to a poll, four out of five women tourists were unimpressed by Italian men’s attempts to woo them.

51% of the 1,000 women interviewed said that Italian men lacked a sense of humour and almost half said they behaved childishly. Others said the men seem to have lost their “savoir-faire”. 57% thought that Italian men showed too much of their “feminine” side and 43% said they were not athletic enough. The fact that few of the potential Romeos are able to communicate with the women in foreign languages was also a factor.

Only Italian students and lifeguards continue to impress the women.

There is hope, however, as 78% of women liked the fact that Italian men are gallant, well-dressed and attentive.

When asked about Italians in general, the women said they admired their style, charm, friendliness and politeness. The women said they preferred to stay in well-known resorts or cultural centres rather than going to luxurious and exclusive resorts.

Have you ever been wooed by a Latin lover?
Do you think the men are less gallant or are the women less naïve?
