New Tuscany Facebook-like site

| Mon, 06/09/2008 - 09:11

The project for the creation of social network dedicated to communities passionate about horseback riding, golf and sailing, proposed by Dfl, hosted by the Florence Incubator, was selected along with another seven from all over Italy to participate in the first business matching innovative companies and potential investors.

created over the last few months by Sirmi research, consulting and market-analysis company, and by Iban, association of informal risk capital investors.

It took place on June 5 during Ict Trade 2008, which saw approximately 1,200 participants from all over the world in the digital sector.

The project chosen from over 20 proposals in the Ict segment from all over Italy, intends to respond to the growing request of vertical social networks, going to position itself in the luxury segment.

The creation and rapid growth of communities of users on the Internet, such as Facebook, YouTube, Blip Tv is a recognized phenomenon But the new wave will bring, in addition to these general communities, new communities passionate about specific sectors that intend to share their interests on the web (and not only).

Dfl's ability to take advantage of this opportunity was facilitated by having invested in the development of their own software (Dedo, open source) designed to create and administrate any type of community.

After having launched the first Italian social network dedicated to horseback riding (, today in the promotional phase, the company planned the next opening of two portals dedicated to aficionados of sailing and golf.

The business idea foresees the support of development and promotional activities in the community thanks to publicity with the goal of reselling the portals to the main sponsors within two years.

It is a way for large companies interested in promoting their image through innovative channels to enter into direct contact with their potential clients.
