Tarantino To Play Role in Italian Spaghetti Western

words by Carol King
American film director Quentin Tarantino is to perform a cameo role in a new Italian spaghetti western.
The director is known for his love of spaghetti westerns and Tarantino paid homage to the genre with his latest movie, ‘Django Unchained’, released in 2012. It was inspired by Italian director Sergio Corbucci’s spaghetti western ‘Django’ (1966) that starred Italian actor Franco Nero, who had a cameo role in Tarantino’s film.
Italian director Enzo G. Castellari says that Tarantino has promised to make a cameo appearance in his forthcoming spaghetti western ‘Badlanders’. Castellari also said actor Nero will play a small role in the movie.
In an interview with ‘La Stampa’ newspaper, Castellari said: “We’re starting to make westerns again and Tarantino promised me he’d take a small role in the film.”
Castellari became famous in the 1960s as a director of spaghetti westerns such as ‘Vado... l’ammazzo e torno’ (Go Kill And Come Back, 1967). He has said that ‘Django Unchained’ has helped revive the genre. Other actors rumoured to be interested in appearing in ‘Badlanders’ are Liam Neeson, Mickey Rourke and Ethan Hawke.
If Tarantino does appear in ‘Badlanders’ it would not be the first time the two directors have collaborated. Castellari’s 1978 macaroni combat movie ‘Quel maledetto treno blindato’ (Inglorious Bastards) inspired Tarantino’s 2009 war film ‘Inglourious Basterds’, and Castellari played a cameo role of a Nazi general Tarantino’s movie.
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