245 New Build

We initially wanted the pile of stones da ristrutarare but renovation prices are more than resale value of finished product in area we are looking (beyond Garfagnana into Emilo Romana). We are now wondering about new build - German kit houses (perhaps the Bauhaus inspired Huf Haus) but would the Italians allow it?



'Kit houses' are available in a variety of forms in Italy. Friends are currently looking into the options as the build costs are much lower, the web sites they have been looking at include
Cannot comment on the companies concerned as I have not had any dealings with them. Not sure if these are the sort of houses in which you are interested but hope this is of some help. Our friends have been told that provided they meet the requirements of the local planning authorities there is no problem.

They were hoping to build in central Le Marche, unfortunately whilst they were coming up with designs and therefore an indication re total build cost (before purchasing the land) a local builder jumped in and bought the plot they were planning on buying! Sadly, as yet, they have been unable to find another plot that meets up with all their specifications. As far as I know none of the companies were based locally to where they hoped to buy and all were prepared to work 'away from home'. However it would be worth having a local geometra who has been involved in such a build previously. I think quite a lot of new houses are built in this way and finished off to blend in with the local style.
Good luck

thanks again Anne - the German mob I was thinking of using would not blend in with the local style and that is why I was wrried about permissions. Have a look at [url]www.huf-haus.de/en/[/url]