319 Declaration for end of building work

Can anyone help. Does anyone know when you change builders in Italy whether you have to sign some kind of declaration to move between one builder and another?


[QUOTE=lingturner]Can anyone help. Does anyone know when you change builders in Italy whether you have to sign some kind of declaration to move between one builder and another?[/QUOTE]
you need to check with your local Ufficio tecnico of the Comune. Hopefully you have received permission before carrying the work, otherwise there is a fine. You should have a sign outside of the building stating date of start, completion of job, name of geometra and architect etc. If name of builder is required in that sign, than you will have to inform the office that they have changed. Most of them will not sign any document, will want payment in black and will declare only a minimum amount.

do we need a builder or can i build the house myself?