8703 Italian Property Terms P - Z


Padrone/Padrona: Landlord/ landlady.

Paese: Town. Village. Area.

Paesino: Small village.

Pagamento: Payment.

(di) Paglia: Thatched.

Palazzo: Palace/mansion. Large building of any type, including an apartment block.

Parco: Park.

Parquet: Parquet flooring.

(in) Parte ristrutturato: Partly restored.

Partita IVA: VAT registration number.

Parzialmente arredato: Partially furnished.

Pavimenti in cotto: Terracotta floors.

Pavimento: Floor.

Pazienza: Patience (something you will need in abundance when dealing with Italian bureaucracy!)

Pensione: Small hotel, often with board.

Perfette condizioni: Perfect condition.

Periferie: Suburbs.

Perito agronomo: Land surveyor.

Permessi comunali: Planning permission (granted by commune or town).

Permesso di soggiorno: Permit to stay.

Piano: Floor (of a multi-storey building), e.g. primo (first), secondo (second), terzo (third).

Piano nobile: Main floor of a palace (usually the first floor/US:[/b] second floor).

Piano regolatore: Zoning plan.

Piano terra: Ground floor (US:[/b] first floor).

Piastrelle: Tiles.

Piastrellista: Tiler.

Piazza: Square (in town or city).

Piazzale: Large open square.

Piccolo: Small.

Pietra/legno originale: Original stone/ wood.

Pietra serena: Soft, grey sandstone that’s easily carved (common in Sienna).

Piscina: Swimming pool.

Pitture: Paint.

Più spese: Plus expenses (e.g. utilities).

Poggiolo: Balcony.

Polizia: Police.

Ponte: Bridge.

Pontile: Wharf for boats.

Portico: Porch. Covered walkway (usually attached to the outside of a building). Roofed space, open or partly enclosed, forming the entrance and centrepiece to a façade.

Portiere: Porter/doorman/janitor in an apartment block.

Portinaio: Caretaker/concierge of an apartment block.

Portineria: Porter’s house.

Porta: Door

Porta blindata: Armoured door.

Porto: Port.

Portone: Main entrance/door.

(a) Posto: Everything in order/in good condition.

Posto auto/macchina: Parking space.

Pozzo: Well (for water).

Pozzo nero: Cesspit.

Pratica: File. Conveyancing.

Prato: Lawn.

Premio: Premium (e.g. insurance).

Prestito: Loan.

Preventivo: Estimate or quotation, e.g. for building work.

Prezzo: Price.

Prima casa: Principal home (as opposed to a second or holiday home) where you’re resident.

Primo piano: First floor (US:[/b] second floor) – called the Piano nobile in a palazzo.

Procura: Power of attorney.

Progetto approvato: Approved plans.

Pronta consegna: Ready to move in.

Proprietà: Property.

Questura: Police station.

Quotazione: Quotation.

Rabdomante: Water diviner.

Radiatori: Radiators.

Ragioniere(a): Accountant.

Referenziati: References required.

Regolamento di condominio: Regulations for a community property.

Rendita catastale: Cadastral value.

(da) Restaurare/Ristrutturare: In need of restoration.

Restaurato: Restored.

(da) Ricostruire: In need of reconstruction.

Rilevamento: Land survey.

Rinascimento: Renaissance.

Rinnovamento: Renovation.

Riparazione: Repair.

Ripostiglio: Store/junk room.

Riscaldamento: Heating.

Riscaldamento autonomo: Ind ependent heating (which can be regulated or switched off by the tenant or the owners of the apartment).

Riscaldamento centrale: Central heating. (In an apartment block, this is provided centrally for all apartments, with the cost divided equally between them.)

Rivo: Stream.

Rocca: Fortress.

Rococò: Rococo.

Rogito: Act or contract signed in front of notary.

Romanico: Romanesque.

Rovina/Rudere: Ruin (usually in a historical sense).

Rustico: Rustic building. Old home requiring restoration or finishing.

Sala: Room. Hall.

Sala da pranzo: Dining room.

Salone: Sitting room/lounge. Hall

Salotto: Sitting room/lounge.

Salvavita: Electricity circuit breaker or trip switch.

Sassi: Stones. Also houses in grottos in the town of Matera.

Scala/Scalinata: Stairway/staircase.

Scaldabagno: Hot water heater or system (gas or electric).

Scrittura privata: Privately produced conveyance document.

Scuderia: Stable.

Semi arredato: Semi-furnished.

Semicentro: The area just outside the centre of a city.

Seminterrato: Basement apartment.

Senza: Without.

Serrande: Metal curtains or shutters (on windows).

(i) Servizi: Kitchen and bathroom (excluded from the number of rooms quoted in an advertisement).

Servizi allacciati: Services connected.

Servizi zonali: Neighbourhood services.

Servizio riscossione ruoli: Community fees for a property (e.g. an apartment) that shares building elements or services with other properties.

Sfratto: Eviction.

Sindaco: Mayor.

(da) Sistemare: To be put in order (i.e. requiring work).

Società: Building society.

Soffitta: Attic.

Soffitto (a volta): (Vaulted) ceiling.

Soggiorno: Sitting room/lounge.

Soggiorno pranzo: Living and dining room.

Sorgente: Spring.

Spese: Expenses.

Spese agenzia: Agent’s fees.

Spese del condominio: Community fees for a property (e.g. an apartment) that shares building elements or services with other properties.

Spese condominiali comprese: Community fees included.

Spiaggia: Beach.

Spiaggia libera/pubblica: Public beach.

Spiaggia privata: Private beach.

Stanza: Room.

Stanza da letto: Bedroom.

Stato: Condition.

Stato di famiglia: Family status documents.

Stazione: Station (e.g. railway).

Stima: Estimate. Valuation.

Strada: Street/road.

Struttura: Structure.

Strutturalmente: Structurally.

Stucco: Plaster made from water, lime, sand and powdered marble, used for decorative work.

Studio: Study (den).

Suolo: Ground.

Supermercato: Supermarket.

Tapparelle: Metal or wooden shutters.

Tappeto: Carpet.

Tassa communale dei rifiuti: Refuse (garbage) tax.

Telefono: Telephone.

Termoautonomo: Independent automatic heating system.

Terra: Ground floor.

Terratetto: meaning a house or property which includes everything from the ground to the roof.

Terrazza: Terrace.

Terreno: Land.

Terreno alberato: Land with trees.

Terreno boschivo: Wooded land.

Terreno coltivato: Cultivated land/farmland.

Testamento: Will.

Tetto: Roof.

Tinello: Small dining room/ family room.

Titolo di proprietà: Title deed.

Toiletta: Toilet/WC.

Torre: Tower.

Torrente: Stream.

Traghetto: Ferry.

Trattabile: Negotiable.

Travertino: Travertine (light-coloured limestone widely used as a building material in both ancient and modern Rome).

Travi a vista: Exposed beams.

Travi di legno: Wooden beams.

Ufficio Anagrafe: General registry office (e.g. in a comune), where records of residence, birth, death, etc. are kept.

Ufficio delle Imposte Dirette: Provincial tax office (also known as Fisco).

Ufficio postale: Post office.

Ultimo piano: Top floor.

Umidità dal basso: Rising damp.

Valore: Value.

Valore catastale: Cadastral (or fiscal) value – assessment of a property’s value for tax purposes.

Vano: Room.

Vasca: Artificial water basin or bath.

Vecchio: Old.

Vendesi: For sale.

Veranda: Porch.

Vetro: Glass.

Via: Street/road (followed by the name in addresses).

Viale privato: Private road.

Vigili urbani: Local town police.

Vigneto: Vineyard.

Villa: Villa. Detached town or country house (usually with a large estate).

Villa fattoria: Villa-farmhouse of a landowner.

Villaggio: Village.

Villino: Cottage. Small detached house with a garden.

Vista: View.

Vista sul mare: Sea view.

Vista sul monte: Mountain view.

Vuoti: Empty, unfurnished.

Zona censuaria: Zone into which large towns and cities are divided for registration tax purposes (small towns usually have only one zone).

Zona tranquilla: Quiet area.


Great list, Aretina. There is though one word missing from the list which is widely used: "Terratetto" meaning a house or property which includes everything from the ground to the roof.

In this area "cielo a terra" is used to signify a house from the street level to the roof...There are probably regional variations for many of these terms.

up here too, though you also see just "cielo terra".

I know that the word "terratetto" is used in both Liguria and Tuscany. I do not know about other regions.

Is there a word for a house that is not a terratetto, but is "jigsawed "in between other houses and partly shares a roof?

Thankyou for that usefull list aretina.did you previously post the a to q list? if so where can I find it.we are returning to Sicily tommorow (Monday) to view and aprove the plans for our rebuild and these will be very useful.


(That is the reference to the a to p listings)

thankyou I have just printed it off.

[quote=alma;90393]Is there a word for a house that is not a terratetto, but is "jigsawed "in between other houses and partly shares a roof?[/quote]

Sorry, I missed your message. I have seen this type of property advertised as "porzione" i.e. "porzione di casa" (a portion of)