9463 Tag cloud

I see Abruzzo is a very popular subject.

I think that this is because not all threads get tagged.

Does anyone actually use the tags to search for related topics?

Circolo di Conversazione


I never understood what the 'tags' were for - still don't

Glad you are man enough to admit it Alan I thought we were still in the Friday joke, and didnt understand Neilos post at all!

According to Ronald [in “Italy Magazine Forums - Announcements & Queries”];-

You will notice that at the end of new threads there is a field to enter tags - this is a simple way to categorise the thread and make it easier for others to find it. For example if you are talking about stone walls just add the phrase "stone wall" in the field - then someone looking at tags can get all the threads that deal with that tag.”

Well that clears that up then!


[I still don’t understand it – must be a very long ‘Senior Moment’]


If you scroll to the bottom of the last post on a thread you will see, on the left hand side the word “Tags”, if you click on this you will see the 'tag cloud'.

When I view the 'cloud’, and I accept that other screens may differ, the most tagged subject shows up in larger type. At the moment Abruzzo shows up largest followed by Teramo, Ryanair, Ikea and Italy.

I assume by the responses to my question the only people who have replied are those who neither understand the question nor are interested in the subject. I don't really understand why anyone bothers answering a post if they know nothing about it but then that happens a lot here !!!lol

Members create the tag cloud, either adding a tag when they create a new thread or by other members editing the tag and adding one (or indeed several).

I just wondered if the tag cloud reflects what is talked about most or what is tagged most, and whether anyone was using this new facility to search out related subjects. The tag system could be very useful for people searching for topics on this forum and should work better than the search facility but only if people bother to rag threads and others use the facility to find what has already been discussed. If used properly the tag system could eliminate the boring, repetitive questions, which have already been covered ad nausea.

Now if this subject is not interesting to you, you don’t understand it, or you just want to have a pop at me, please try to restrain yourselves from taking part. If no one is remotely interested, then fair enough, just leave the thread to rot away on it’s own.

How many tags can a thread have?

[quote=Nielo;88699][B]Original Question:[/B] Does anyone actually use the tags to search for related topics?[/quote]
To which question, a few people replied that they didn't use tags or didn't understand them.
[quote=Nielo;88739][B]Response:[/B] I assume by the responses to my question the only people who have replied are those who neither understand the question nor are interested in the subject. I don't really understand why anyone bothers answering a post if they know nothing about it but then that happens a lot here !!!lol[/quote]
Those responding may not know much about tags, but they [I]do[/I] know if they've used them. Snce that is the question you asked, it seems to me they are qualified to respond. Perhaps you meant to ask a different question?

As for me, I've never used them (although it seems you don't want to know that), but I found your explanation interesting and I'll make a point of tagging any threads which seem to me to possibly have long-term value.


I agree with Alan that you asked a straight question Nielo and you got straight answers.

Tags reflect what people tag and not what is discussed most. This is a feature of websites that is quickly growing in popularity but has yet to reach ubiquity (i.e. you don't expect to find it everywhere).

It is also a feature that becomes better the more people use it. It does not become better if people abuse it with pointless words that just add noise. I've had to delete some of the tags to this thread because they were phrases such as "just another winge, lol" etc. Let's avoid using something helpful as just another way to attack each other.

Thank you Ronald.

Allan, you have a valid point and perhaps my question could have been better phrased.

I still believe that negative replies are a waste of everyone’s time and when there is no response it says the same thing. If someone asked "does anyone know where I can buy second hand socks in Milan?" and it got lots of people replying "NO" then it rather defeats the object of the forum. There are plenty of threads with zero replies when people don't know the answer.

[quote=Nielo;88795]I still believe that negative replies are a waste of everyone’s time and when there is no response it says the same thing. If someone asked "does anyone know where I can buy second hand socks in Milan?" and it got lots of people replying "NO" then it rather defeats the object of the forum.[/quote]
Point taken. :smile:

At least a few more people know about tags now, so the thread has been useful in that sense.

And Ronald's intervention earlier sort of dealt with an unasked question on my part about what happens to irrelevant, mischevious or malicious tags. But are we supposed to report "bad" tags if we spot one?
