1401 Credit Card Payment of Utilities

I want to pay for as many utilities possible with my VISA card. The VISA card is from the USA. Is it possible and how can I set it up?

Telecom says yes-but have to go to the bank to fill out a form-instead of using their website. Any help will be appreciated!

Cost of living - Utility Services

I take it you have considered an Italian bank account but discounted it for some reason? If you have one it's simple to set up automated payments for most utilities.

We have found that the ENEL site [url]www.prontoENEL.it[/url] is excellent for online settlement of bills.

I paid our electric bill on-line with a UK credit card...if that is any help.

I have an Italian bank account..but want to pay with my credit card because I get mileage (for those round trip tickets to the States) ;)

I'll go onto ENEL website and see what I can do. I was told by Telecom that I could pay by credit card if I went to my bank and filled out a form...the bank didn't know what I was talking about!


Would you mind posting the instructions - screen by screen for us Italian beginners?

The horror stories of too much money being taken by direct debit frightens me - so reading in the meter every two months and online payments sounds great!
