In reply to A newbie all over again! by Annec
In reply to A newbie all over again! by Annec
I still have yet to see Francesco da Mosto's Redentore, but I do believe that I was actually there when the BBC was filming several years ago. I had been invited to see Redentore at Redentore. I went with a friend of mine, Patricia Fortini Brown (if you don't know her books about Venice, I highly recommend them; she's the Chair of Art & Archaeology at Princeton, and has written extensively about Venice). Anyway, when Pat and I arrived at Redentore, we were told there was no celebration there -- nothing at all. Somehow the messages and invitations had gotten confused. So, back across the floating bridge of boats we walked. We were about to get something to eat a restaurant, when Pat's cell phone rang. It was John Berendt, who you also might know -- he wrote "City of Falling Angels" -- at that point in time, it was not yet published. Jane da Mosto, Francesco's wife, was up on John's terrace over on the Zattare, and they had seen us walk across the bridge -- they had the BBC up there shooting, so they invited us up to watch the fireworks with them. Francesco was down in a boat. The fireworks were spectacular from that point of view, and I have to say that John Berendt was a GREAT person to watch the fireworks with -- we were yelling and clapping -- it was like a roller coaster ride. So, what started out as a disaster turned into a wonderful Venetian evening.
Another festivity not to be missed in Venice is St Mark´s Day (April 25th). Some years ago, I attended the Mass celebrated by the Patriarch, including Gregorian chants, an incredible experience. Also, my husband bought me one of the traditional long stem red roses, all proceeds going to the local Red Cross. There are regattas, fireworks.... a magic day to remember.