11883 Spamghetti carbonara

When the going gets tough, lifestyle magazines start talking about foods to beat the recession. Here is an unlikely offering from Time Magazine :reallyembarrassed:

Brandon Boudet of Dominick's in Los Angeles wasn't so sure. A Spam virgin, he blanched a bit when it plonked out of the can, all pink like a newborn mole rat. After bravely sautéing some little squares of Spam--for Spamghetti carbonara--he tested one and was surprised. It was pleasantly hamlike and not as salty as he had expected. And it was eerily airy. He was so confused, he grabbed the can and scanned the ingredients. It was the potato starch. That's what holds the shape but kind of melts in your mouth. He ate some more, still thrown by its lightness, and thought it would work better in a frisée-and-lardon salad, fried into light little bacony croutons. Or in a taco. "It could almost take the place of chicharrón," he says. "It's a healthier version." A healthier version of fried pork rind. I'm sure Spam will take whatever nutritional compliments it can get.

Read the whole article at [url=http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1865947,00.html?imw=Y&loomia_si=t0:a16:g2:r2:c0.116231:b20149919&xid=Loomia]Welcome Back, Spam - TIME[/url]

and find ten pages of celebrity chef recipes at [url=http://www.time.com/time/arts/article/0,8599,1866043,00.html?iid=redirect-spam]Cheap Eats: Star Chefs' Spam Recipes - TIME[/url]

Food & Drink

Or there's Torta di Yorkshire opure Rospa nel bucco

Two cost effective meals which i will never offer to my Italian friends.