12415 Elizabeth David

I have started a new thread about this little lady, as I was in danger of taking a thread off topic.

The article is old but still very interesting, it relates to the discussion on olive oil.

Enjoy :smile:

[URL="http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/food-and-drink/features/elizabeth-david-and-you-thought-nigella-was-sexy-522928.html"]Elizabeth David: And you thought Nigella was sexy... - Features, Food & Drink - The Independent[/URL]

Food & Drink

Fascinating story. Thank you so much.

Enjoyed the article and wished I'd seen the programme. I still remember most vividly, the interview ED gave to Jansis Robinson at the Walnut Tree Inn. A very frosty but greedy woman whom Jansis handled with great patience.
Her marvellous book Italian Food was illustrated by Renato Guttuso, (a stroke of genius to twist his arm to produce the drawings). More can be read about him in Peter Robbs book Midnight in Sicily.