10063 illegal buildings andwhat you should have done

mainly buildings used as homes... anyway the agenzia del territorio have been running adverts saying that by the end of July this year they will not be allowing any lee way on those properties not registered properly in the catasto ... at the bottom of the advert is a picture of a map taken from the air and the words somewhat to the effect that you cannot hide....

below is the link to their site pointing to the relevant indo and the down loadable documents that will have to be filled and presented...should imagine that if goodwill is shown you might still get away with it... of course you will need a technico to help...

now this law has been in existence a year... i believe i posted about it when it first became law...

my take as to why it might well effect many is that houses which have not complied... will have fines and debts attached to them which would make anyone buying a house with those unpaid liable for the properties fines ... i think and this needs a bit more checking cause i cannot remember the number of years... up to ten years...

i guess the other point associated with house fines is that if the vat people believe a house sale has taken place without the correct VAT payments they also can slap on a fine attaching to the property which then attaches to whoever owns...often you never even find out until properties are actually sold...

anyway that's all another minefield...

the web site is this for the catasto registration...it also covers lots of other useful info...

General chat about Italy

[url=http://www.agenziaterritorio.it/?id=2110#vantaggi]Agenzia del Territorio - Fabbricati non dichiarati[/url]

thats the link that should have been in the previous post....sorry was being rushed to get somewhere on time and forgot to click paste....

anyway it might answer a few questions also for those that have been asking about prices and sales of property in italy and there is stacks more... i think it was picene homes who referenced the site in that thread