11991 Floods in Italy

I am trying to find some Italian internet sites with information about recent floods in Italy. I have tried Google and Wikipedia but they do not seem to have anything recent. Can anyone suggest where I might find more up-to-date facts, please?

General chat about Italy

[quote=alan h;114470]Which part of Italy?

Italy as a whole. I have been asked to research this as part of my homework, but purely for the language as I am studying Italian with the oral exam in May, gulp! How I envy you all in Italy!

Have a look at some of the Italian newspaper sites such as Corriere della Sera putting 'inondazione' in the search box - here's one example -
[url=http://www.corriere.it/cronache/08_dicembre_11/roma_maltempo_16892f78-c753-11dd-a4b9-00144f02aabc.shtml]Maltempo, Roma allagata Donna muore annegata in un galleria - Corriere della Sera[/url]

Good luck!

[quote=anne2;114473]Have a look at some of the Italian newspaper sites such as Corriere della Sera putting 'inondazione' in the search box - here's one example -
[url=http://www.corriere.it/cronache/08_dicembre_11/roma_maltempo_16892f78-c753-11dd-a4b9-00144f02aabc.shtml]Maltempo, Roma allagata Donna muore annegata in un galleria - Corriere della Sera[/url]

Good luck![/quote]

Thank you Anne for this very good link and also for your good wishes.

There have been various discussions and descriptions of this winter's weather on this forum, try [url]http://www.italymag.co.uk/forums/general-chat-about-italy/11157-italy-battered-bad-weather.html[/url], or [url]http://www.italymag.co.uk/forums/general-chat-about-italy/11076-venice-flood-alert.html[/url]. Both these threads have quite a few weather related sites linked to, and many pictures. In the second (Venice) thread check out the video ( [url=http://newsvote.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/7761515.stm]BBC NEWS | Europe | 'Surfing' in Venice[/url] ) - it is very amusing!

HI Annie, Which exam are you taking?