1403 Try not to go speeding

The police get a second [URL=http://www.italymagazine.com/italy_regions/liguria_emilia_romagna/2005/general/italian-highway-patrol-gets-second-lamborghini-squad-car/]Lamborghini squad car[/URL]! Bet their was a few heated discussions on who is going to be driving them!

General chat about Italy

I noticed this yesterday & also read that it had a first aid kit, defib kit & other stuff in it.............. I can't see any room for a driver yet alone a passenger!

...........oh, and I loved the bit about it only being used for (ahem!) medial emercencies, heheheheheh

A Lamborghini? Holy Cow - I complained when the police got Chevy Camero's here and left them white so we didn't know it was the police as you are driving down the freeway a bit faster than you should and they sneak up behind you - oops - That is one nice car for the police.

:D Peggy

I guess it's nothing more than a funky marketing ploy by Lambo ;)