2656 Buying a car in Italy

I am sorry to bring this question up again but I forgot to note the web site kindly submitted by a fellow contributor regarding certain forms that I may require when buying a second hand car.
If that person would be so kind as to advise me again I will be much obliged.
Can anyone tell me how long these Q & A stay on the forum site?

General chat about Italy

Is this what your looking for Mick,

so long as you are an EC citizen - here is a link that explains the system [url]http://www.magaglio.com/Immatricolaz...esteri%203.pdf[/url]
para 3) is the one relevant to UK citizens who maybe have a holiday home here in Italy. The relevant legislation is DPR 28/12/2000 n.445. Although the law is now over 5 years old it is little known of outside Milan/Varese but with a little persistence at an ACI office you should prevail. You will need passport, permesso do soggiorno and a "dichiarazione", which you can download from: [url]http://www.magaglio.com/Modulistica/...2CB%2CC%29.pdf[/url]

Don't be put off if you are told that England is not an Ec member (as happened to my wife) just remind them that it is only the Euro and the Schengen agreements that Britain has not signed up to and otherwise we are fully paid up members (esp. since Tony Blair's "courage, initiative and responsibility" - as Pr. Chirac described his rebate decision).

I can't remember who posted this message, sorry. :o

I was the one who posted about this in the first place and I have checked the website and things have been moved around a little - the correct link now is:


If you have any problems please ask.

For those who want to re-register a car with UK registration - here is the link:


Good luck