4014 Passport Photos

Many threads and info from books advise to take a number of black and white photos when relocating to Italy. I hope to be able to print my own via my computer and print them off on decent quality photo paper to make it look as professional as possible.

Is this acceptable? Has any one else done it this way.

I'm always ready for a short cut, but I don't want to turned away with a flee in my ear!!:D


General chat about Italy

Just don't take in a sheet of photos with a pair of scissors and ask them how many they would like. I use colour prints, white back ground and cut into single photos. The only time these have been refused was the first time when they asked if I had made them myself and I foolishly said yes.
I find it strange, it is not as if you are showing them photos of some one else, they can check if you have added an extra ear or something.
