9986 Freecycle

I came across this cool global organisation a few minutes ago. "It's not a charity or a business: it's an idea that perfectly good used stuff deserves a home other than the landfill. Instead of throwing out things like furniture, dishes, bikes, and electronics, people in a reuse group give these items away for free to other people in their community who can use them"

I reckon you will find bits and pieces for your Italian home!!!

[url=http://www.freecycle.org/group/IT/Italy]The Freecycle Network[/url]

General chat about Italy

We belong to our local freecycle in England. We handed on some of the kdis Ikea units they had outgrown. And we've received an old Haynes manual for the car; some Scientist magazines for DS2; and some pallets to build a compost :)

It's a very useful thing when used properly :yes: Although you do hear the stories of people pretending the need something and then selling it on ebay :no: which goes totally against the idea. Oh, and you do get some very outrageous requests - PS3, laptops, motorhomes :eerr: