2347 Hi

Sulmona to buy? my name is Tracy and I have come across this site by accident. I have been to Italy a few times over the last few years and I absolutely love it. We stay in a campsite called Norcenni Girasole in Tuscany, the food, scenery etc is to die for.
My husband has been over many times since as we would like to buy a place somewhere in Italy. Tuscany is too expensive but he has been to many areas and liked the look of Sulmona. We are bot going over half term week to view some properties.
Having found this site I am now scared due to the fact people are mentioning earthquakes......gulp!
I am bad enough leaving the (not very little) kids as it is and now I am going to find a house in an unsafe region. Hopefully I'll put it into perspective and just enjoy it for what it is and realise that there are risks whatever you do. This would just have risks but with the added comfort that it accompanies good food and wine!!!

Introduce Yourself - Piacere Conoscerti

Thank you for your reply
We did look at Liguira (I think that's how you spell it!!) some time ago but we were put off as the prices seemed much higher than further in the south. Also Italians were telling us the weather was not so good up there and also quite misty/foggy. But hey who am I to say I am just another Brit who dreams of buying a place abroad but hasn't got a clue on how to go about it!!!!