3593 Ciao...from Bucharest

Ciao to all of you. Very nice to meet you. I'm Italian but due to my job (and my wife :-) ) I live in Bucharest - Romania.
I was born in Pordenone 38 years go, a small town (56 thousands souls) in Friuli Venezia-Giulia region, 60 miles north from Venice.

Nobody better than me knows how much I'd love to move to London where I had some beautiful moments...

New York could be another very good alternative :-)

Introduce Yourself - Piacere Conoscerti

So tell us about Romaia, I here it's the time to buy now?!

How do you like 'chorba di burda?

So... where to start from....ciorba de burta is so and so, I don't like it so much but it depends on how it is prepared. I 've eaten it just 2-3 times.

I like much more "ciorba de perisoare" or "ciorba de pui".

About buying properties...yes it is the time to buy and maybe it is already late, I mean, 2 years ago it was much better a business.

Many foreigners come here to buy land and houses; I think Moldavia (the north-east region of Romania, not the Republic of Moldavia, formerly part of USSR) is the best place to invest money. My advice is to establish a Company and buy through it because foreigners do not have the right to buy land yet.

The Country has a very nice landscape, but Bucharest is really ugly (my opinion). Between World War I and II it was nicknamed Little Paris and the central part of Bucharest was really nice, but Ceausescu has destroyed the ancient charm of the city. Now it is polluted, a little dirty with crazy traffic. Who says that Italians drive crazy has never come here, in comparison we are amateurs.

But I guess that you know Romania, otherwise you would not have known what is "ciorba". Isn't it ?