498 Moving to Puglia

Hi, We are an Anglo-Italian family of three and have just bought a house near Ostuni (I'm the English part, Vicky, my husband Rosario is Neapolitan and our daughter aged 5 says she's meta-meta!).
We are planning to move over there next month for three months initially to work on our house and give us time to decide if we take the plunge for a permanent move. This will ultimately depend on us finding work and finding a nice school for our daughter to start in September
Rosario has his own business working as a handyman/painter & decorator in SW London for the last 4 years and is hoping to transfer his business over to Puglia if there is demand for his services. Does anyone have any views on this idea? Also does anyone know any good schools in the area between Ostuni and Ceglie Messapica? Any advice would be welcome.
Ciao for now


Introduce Yourself - Piacere Conoscerti

We're in the process of buying in san vito dei normanni, when are you going out. We are flying out on the 26th june for 5 days to complete. We may have some work for you, as the place we're getting is in need of some work. I am a self employed builder by trade anyway but could do with a hand in the next 6 months or so. Let us know.

Hi, we're aiming to be there by the 20th june (just working out the route as we'll be driving down). Rosario could meet up with you sometime while you're over to complete, if you're not too busy with the notaio. If you want I can e-mail our Italian mobile number to you so you can contact us over there?