862 what the... ??

greetings all, just stumbled on this site. italian blood in me (?) has drawn me to italy 4 times, am getting ready to return again. yup, my nonno was from Palermo provenza. my passion is italian architecture. have taken up, of all things, italian plaster, and groin vaulted (gothic) ceilings, as an expression of art - - - as well as vintage things -- love to poke around in old shops, flea markets, etc. Hoping to go to Parma in latter september for antique fair, also Arezzio antique market. If anyone has interest in same, drop me a line...



Introduce Yourself - Piacere Conoscerti

Get thee behind me Satan! The thought of my wife at an antiques fair fills me with fear. At least it fills my wallet with fear and not much else by the time she has finished.

not as evil as it sounds, this is all for resale .....