9979 Hi everyone...

Hi guys,
just doing the final arrangement for moving from Ireland (wet and cold summer) to Tuscany, hoping to giving my family a better life and certainly more outdoor.

I hope to cath up with you over the coming months. I will be posting some thread for general advise or experience. My wife is Irish, so I like to be a wonderful experience for her too.

Looking forward to talk to you all, :laughs:

Introduce Yourself - Piacere Conoscerti

Good luck to you. I'm working towards my Italian citizenship and hope to work and live in Sicily someday. I'm curious--why did you choose Tuscany over Sicily?

Hi, Sicilian, welcome to the Forum and to beautiful Tuscany.
Best wishes regarding all your future plans.

Thanks both for your kind welcome. I am really looking forward to it, stillstruggling with all logistics... :confused:
Why Tuscany and not Sicily (being Sicilian)? It is only because of work. I have few opportunities in Tuscany that will bring the right worklife balance... No much going in Sicily unfortunately in my IT business. Especially if you are raising a family and keen to make a career progression...
Having said so... you never know, I keep my eyes open!!! I have houses in Sicily, on both ends of it... so if the right opportnuty arise... I will be there in no time!!! I love Sicily, it is a place like nowhere else...
Good luck with your citizenship!!!

Hello Sicilian
How envious I am that you are about to move!! Good luck. After the summer we have had in England I can quite understand how you feel. Have a great time.

Thanks Borrini, we are keeping running brainstorm session with wife, hoping not to forget anything... and the list grows and grows! Once I have the list complete I will make available on the forum for other people to be able to use it as a starting point... Thanks for your note! S

I'm a Divisional Systems Manager and haven't really found anything there in IT - how have you gone about looking for work? I suppose being a native speaker helps - I'm really struggling with the language after 3 years but my wife is almost fluent! Are you setting up on your own (D'ya need any staff? I'm available.... ;0) )?

Are you looking at large global corporates or smaller local companies? I'm with a national newspaper group (inc. Ireland) but desperately want to scale back from 24 x 7, early morning callouts and so on, get the work-life balance sorted out properly. A smaller company would suit me better. Hope it works out for you.

Not much IT work in Sicily???!! they're crying out for people who know how to switch on a computer. I get asked about 5 times a week to design or translate websites... though -- -- I suppose if you're very clever and do programming and leading edge stuff it may be a few years before we catch up!

Hi M&C, finding work in Tuscany was hard all right. I have been looking at intl companies who had flexibility in location. Being based in Ireland for 15+ years, I tied quite close knots with several global companies and I try to work over time an opion to work from home. It took a long time, I have to say. But it is well worth at the end. Can you send more details on what you exactly do (even on a private thread) and I will be happy to help alright.
Ram, wrt IT work in Sicily: I agree that there is lots to do, but my client a general large organizations who deal with huge volume of information and require specialised services. In Sicily there are no many HQ that would require that level of sophistication. Unfortunately, apart from turnin on the PC myself... there is little I know for example about hardware and networks, so I suppose it is the type of local work does not match my skills.