9910 Italy v Spain!

First of all my topic is in no way football related so before someone points out that I have posted it in the wrong discussion.
Perhaps I have become a bit paranoid but :nah: it seems that British and US media are somewhat anti Italian. I found countless articles that mention Italy's woes and how the country is in a dire economical situation. The extent of the economic downturn and whether or not Berlusconi can weather the storm remains to be seen but " The Wall Street Journal", "Financial Times" and "The Economist" have all branished Italy as the sick man of Europe. Then they go on to speak about Spain praising the economical growth there is a general consensus that Spain is everything that Italy's not.
The BBC have altered the titles for the news instead of Rome appearing clearly on our screens Madrid has taken its place.
Perhaps Berlusconi rather than investing in Spanish TV should start taking notes if Italy's going to pull through the economic climate.
Still confused why Italian workers are so poorer off than their European counterparts perhaps the CIGIL rather than organising strikes should make its political voice heard.

Italian Politics

Well the Economist this week has a pretty grim story about Spain's economic prospects!

Perhaps the anglo saxon 'quality' press, not only financial, prefers to run stories about Italy ahead of other European countries? I don't know - just thinking aloud - but these journos are more likely to holiday in Italy than in Spain, and there is perhaps more interest in the old country by Italian immigrants (of whatever generation) in the US and the UK than from other European immgrants.

I can't comment on your BBC News titles - maybe it just means the BBC is aiming at the Watney's Red Barrellers on the Costas :smile:

Man bites dog is always a better story then dog bites man. Bad news about a different country is always good.

Picking on Berlusconi is safer then picking on Murdoch.

[quote=NickZ;92403]Picking on Berlusconi is safer then picking on Murdoch.[/quote]

Certainly true if you write for the Wall Street Journal! :bigergrin:

Well for the fashion concious a Made in Italy label is something to boast about and British firms think so too. See
Why British brands are beating a path to Italy

Sunday, 6 July 2008

[url=http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/fashion/news/why-british-brands-are-beating-a-path-to-italy-860860.html]Why British brands are beating a path to Italy - News, Fashion - The Independent[/url]

Well, just back from Italy and at home in Spain.... I can tell you that both countries share many problems.... and many great things. It is difficult to make comparisons as I love both of them. Concerning the media... it is very hard to understand the reasons for many of the things they do and say.

The article in todays Independent online says it all...
[url=http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/friends-and-favours-berlusconi--his-butterflies-862978.html]Friends and favours: Berlusconi & his 'butterflies' - Europe, World - The Independent[/url]