10675 The Rules

May I respectfully enquire [I]why[/I] the thread on the 'Cercasi Lavoro - Employment Questions' was closed today by Cristiana. It appears to me - maybe mistakenly - that by doing so in the manner she did, it actually went against the rules you ask/expect us all to follow. The particular part I am referring to is this: [I]We want to make the forum better and commit to replying to any suggestions, disagreements and constructive criticism. All such issues should be communicated to the Administrator exclusively via private messaging, e-mails, or even over the phone. [B]The Administrator will consult with the Moderating team and any decisions as well as the reasoning behind the decision will be made public.[/B] Once a decision has been taken it is final. [COLOR="Red"][B]We commit to making such decisions and the reasoning behind them public[/B][/COLOR]. You are, of course, free to send us a private message criticising the decision and we commit in making public your concerns and where appropriate our response. Once that is done, however, the matter is to be considered closed as forum life needs to move forward. [U]Decisions will be posted here[/U] [URL="http://www.italymagazine.com/forums/195/penalties-infractions"][B]>Penalties & Infractions<[/B][/URL] [/I] I can see no explanation or reasoning posted 'publicly' - perhaps because no one was suspended/banned or received a warning. But an ongoing thread WAS closed with the only concern voiced being that the Moderator was "Not amused!" Can you please abide by your own (stated) rules and advise us what the reason was... Yours in anticipation Carole B.

Italy Magazine Forums - Announcements &amp; Queries - No Longer Applicable

The silence is deafening...............................

[quote=Romano;99293]The silence is deafening...............................[/quote]

Oh - you've noticed too....
I thought maybe my hearing aid batteries had gone!

I missed this completely, like others I must have blinked! However, this is a FORUM, where free speech (which is not offensive etc.) and democracy should reign!