Car registration
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 12/09/2008 - 01:57In reply to A newbie all over again! by Annec
In reply to A newbie all over again! by Annec
It costs around €500 to register a UK car here and is very straightforward. Take it to your local driving school/motoring agency (they are usually the same thing) and get them to do it. You need an Italian MOT every 2 years so your first revisione (MOT) will be 2 years after your last UK one. Insurance is dearer here but we use Direct Line who will accept your UK no claims bonus but I know a lot of people have had good quotes from Italsure.
In reply to A newbie all over again! by Annec
At present Italian car dealers are having a very hard time selling cars, (just like UK), so a bargain can be had, certainly true in the Perugia area and I expect all over Italy too. If you have the money worth the agro.
In reply to A newbie all over again! by Annec
many thanks for the advice / is there a driving school in Amandola?
Do you did to be permanently resident to do this?
the car we will be bringing is LHD.
[quote=Penny;105109]It costs around €500 to register a UK car here and is very straightforward. Take it to your local driving school/motoring agency (they are usually the same thing) and get them to do it. You need an Italian MOT every 2 years so your first revisione (MOT) will be 2 years after your last UK one. Insurance is dearer here but we use Direct Line who will accept your UK no claims bonus but I know a lot of people have had good quotes from Italsure.[/quote]
In reply to A newbie all over again! by Annec
Yes there is a driving school in Amandola and another branch in Comunanza - Pavoni Fioravanti.
To own a car you need residency although I believe there are lots of posts saying that Italy is not supposed to be able to do this. In our area you will need residency.
I have one LHD and one RHD - it doesn't make any difference to registering it or insuring it. Second hand car prices in Italy are quite a bit higher than in the UK though.
[quote=Donald Banning;105072]good evening again!!
having read the various threads about registering a car in Italy it appears to be a complex and expensive process? [B]Yes it is[/B]
As i understand it if we bring a UK registered car to Italy we would need to return each year to the UK have its MOT? [B]Correct [/B]There also seems to be a time limit on how long you can drive a non Italian registered car in Italy? [B]I believ it is one year [/B] Is this enforced? [B]Worth the risk?[/B]
Does the cost of having to return to the UK each year both time and money make it more cost effective than just registering the car in Italy or buying a car in Italy [B](we sold ours and bought new here as we didn't want to HAVE to return for MOT etc reasons)[/B]
we would like to find the simplest and most economical way of having a car in Italy so any help / suggestions would be great. [B](Buy a 2nd hand Panda 4x4)[/B]
We are based in le Marche and plan to move out permanently in the next year
Cheers Donald[/quote]
Hopefully the emboldened bits depends on finance, do you want to have a driving 'holiday' every year? Your UK car will depreciate every year anyway, your insurance (or at least a claim on it) could become dubious ...........sell the car in the UK, buy an Italian one here is my view, you'll have to do it eventually !