Please can anyone advise us on the cost of the tax for "cambio di destinazione dei fabbricati" or change of use to habitable space from farm use. We know that the tax will vary from comune to comune (we live near Amandola, Le Marche), but would like a rough idea if anyone else has gone through this, before we get a huge shock/bill from our geometra!!! We have a very small house (55sqm) and a larger house aprox 125sqm.
Many thanks
Sarah and Mark
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 03/26/2008 - 19:12
I'm not clear whether you are asking about the 'change of use' tax payable on converting 'animal rooms' or cantinas into habitation, or the costs of putting farmhouse buildings onto the catasto fabbricati rather than the catasto terreno (rurali). In either case, the person to ask is your geometra.
In the case of change of use from animal rooms the tax payable (commonly referred to as the Bucalossi tax, but more properly it is Legge 10 (or 11) I always forget!) is based on the cost of the works. Geometras are always unwilling to tell you exactly what the tax cost will be (understandably) until they can establish precisely the cost of the works. It can be surprisingly expensive - as a ball park figure consider between 90 and 130 euro per square metre of spaces not catastally considered as 'proper rooms'.
I'm not clear whether you are asking about the 'change of use' tax payable on converting 'animal rooms' or cantinas into habitation, or the costs of putting farmhouse buildings onto the catasto fabbricati rather than the catasto terreno (rurali). In either case, the person to ask is your geometra.
In the case of change of use from animal rooms the tax payable (commonly referred to as the Bucalossi tax, but more properly it is Legge 10 (or 11) I always forget!) is based on the cost of the works. Geometras are always unwilling to tell you exactly what the tax cost will be (understandably) until they can establish precisely the cost of the works. It can be surprisingly expensive - as a ball park figure consider between 90 and 130 euro per square metre of spaces not catastally considered as 'proper rooms'.