8560 Keep an eye on this Estate Agent thread

There is a thread about [url=http://www.italymagazine.com/forums/building-renovation/8535-help-agent-aulla.html]Wendy Smith [/url] that's been kicked off. This situation is a car-crash that we've been watching over the last few years; there have been all types of allegations (some with more substance than others) and court cases running. Tempers are runing high........it's no pretty & currently under investigation in a local court room. I wanted to keep everyone flagged with this. I copied by farily neutral impressions to Ronald when I PM'd lisak.


Seems all quet on the western front (or should that be eastern)

There have been a flurry of PMs on the subject & one from a new member with no posts etc.... asking for similar information.

I've asked lisak for an consolidated view of feedback, but don't expect anything.

It does seem quite though. I know that a number of others who are involved in the case against Wendy are "always on the look out" for folks who could contribute to their knowledge.