by John Bensalhia |
It’s the heart of summer and Italy is celebrating in style with a host of special events. Music will play an important part in July festivals with sounds…
by ITALY |
words by Carol KingThe Perugian town of Foligno in Umbria is hosting ‘I Primi d’Italia’, a popular food festival that focuses on ‘primi piatti’ (soup or pasta…
by Gabi Logan |
Through the 5th of August, the 2012 Torino Young City combines 47 previously separate festivals, camps, and workshops into a summer promoting the issues and…
by Natalie Aldern |
According to the Confederation of Italian Farmers, the month of August promises over a thousand food and drink festivals in Italy.From craft beer to wild boar…
by Natalie Aldern |
Any day in Florence is a delight, but the next three days will be especially sweet with the Firenze Gelato Festival in town for the second year.From 25-29 May…
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