L'Aquila Earthquake
by Silvia Donati |
In the heart of Abruzzo in central Italy lies L’Aquila, a historic university town that, nine years after a 6.3 earthquake killed 309 people, wounded 1600…
by ITALY |
words by Carol KingAn Italian court found six Italian scientists and an ex-government official guilty of manslaughter over the earthquake in L’Aquila, Abruzzo…
by Gabi Logan |
Armed with medieval military accounts, papal documents, and ancient administrative records, historical seismologist Emanuela Guidoboni published the most…
by Natalie Aldern |
The trial has begun for six geological experts and a public official who are charged with manslaughter for allegedly failing to warn L'Aquila residents before…
by Natalie Aldern |
After the devastating earthquake that hit L’Aquila in April 2009, Japan pledged to rebuild the city’s destroyed concert hall as a show of support.On Saturday,…
by Natalie Aldern |
Family court shows are expected to create TV drama, but a recent reality-TV trial is generating a very real uproar in the Italian town of L’Aquila. A woman…
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