by Katia Amore |
"È mezzanotte, Devo chiudere la piazza. Andate via. La Piazza è Mia! La Piazza è Mia!"
" It's midnight. I've got to shut down the square! Go away. The…
by Katia Amore |
Test your knowledge with this fun quiz about Italian Piazzas. Can you guess the name and location of each piazza in the pictures? Find the right one and then…
by Carol King |
Turin’s Piazza San Carlo has become Italy’s first smart technology city square.
Newspaper ‘Corriere della Sera’ reports that the local council has installed…
by Carol King |
Rome council has agreed to rename a city square after Blessed John Paul II.The city’s Piazza San Giovanni in Laterano (St. John Lateran Square) will be renamed…
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