If you live in Italy and are resident then Italian law will apply. If it is a holiday home and you live in Holland then Dutch law can apply if you write a handwritten will asking for the law of your home country to apply. Look up 'holographic will in Italy' on Google and you will find examples of what to write.
It depends what type of land it is. Has the notary told you how much tax you need to pay? It could be 5000 euros or thereabouts. Rimborso spese - is costs, and it does seem very high - unless the ntary means he has/will pay the tax on your behalf and you then pay him back - as is the norm nowadays.
Its a 'no' from me too. Landslip, erosion, access, cement from the 1970's, all combine to make a bad investment! Plus you cannot do the work yourself if it is in any way structural - you must have 'professionals' And i doubt all the house is legal.
You could also get in touch with your local CAF who will calculate it for you for a small fee. OTherwise pay what you think is right, and then you can always make up any difference next year, once the comune offices are open again.
You need an F24 semplificato, which you complete with your anagrpahical details.
In the boxes below check EL, , the tribute code which if its just a house will be 3918, put in your ISTAT code for your comune, check the S box, the number of buildings you are paying IMU for, the year, and the amount. Thats all.
As to the calculation, it depends on your comune, the catastal value of your property, and the aliquota the comune has set. I would call the IMU office of your comune and ask them for help.
As a further note - not all land is exempt. You are at sea level so I presume you would pay on land unless it is exempt for some reason.
Yes, but its a long and complicated process, that requires various offices in Rome giving assent. it wont be done at the wedding. You will then need to start the process, cancel your old codice fiscale, and get a new one when Rome lets you complete it all. Its probably easier getting married in Ireland!
alanh -presumbaly you are married in separation of goods? If you are in communion of goods (default state for UK and Italian residents) she is owner of 50% whether you like it or not.
The Assic Volontaria gives you full access to state healthcare - a family GP, hospitals, clinics etc - but not provate healthcare unless your doctor prescribes it. After 5 years as a resident you would be a long term resident and be entitled to health care.
It would make no difference as to whether you were domiciled here, it is your tax contributions which count. If you have residency and leave italy for more than 6months within the first 5 years, you lose your residence and have to start again - so your 'few months' a year in Sicly becomes very important.
The question is how did you get your residency without having health insurance, as the two are now mutually dependent.
AS to whether it's the law, I would say its an interpretation of the law.
There is a default in ITalian law for both access and maintenance, but the access should be written into your act of sale. As regards maintenance, it may be that the roof (for example) is 50/50, but it doesnt mean your neighbour will fork out the money if needed. However, its a very common situation in Italy. Obviously if you have a water leak and it damages the downstairs property they will want you to pay for the damage, so insurance is always a good idea.
Comments posted
If you live in Italy and are resident then Italian law will apply. If it is a holiday home and you live in Holland then Dutch law can apply if you write a handwritten will asking for the law of your home country to apply. Look up 'holographic will in Italy' on Google and you will find examples of what to write.
It depends what type of land it is. Has the notary told you how much tax you need to pay? It could be 5000 euros or thereabouts. Rimborso spese - is costs, and it does seem very high - unless the ntary means he has/will pay the tax on your behalf and you then pay him back - as is the norm nowadays.
Its a 'no' from me too. Landslip, erosion, access, cement from the 1970's, all combine to make a bad investment! Plus you cannot do the work yourself if it is in any way structural - you must have 'professionals' And i doubt all the house is legal.
You could also get in touch with your local CAF who will calculate it for you for a small fee. OTherwise pay what you think is right, and then you can always make up any difference next year, once the comune offices are open again.
You need an F24 semplificato, which you complete with your anagrpahical details.
In the boxes below check EL, , the tribute code which if its just a house will be 3918, put in your ISTAT code for your comune, check the S box, the number of buildings you are paying IMU for, the year, and the amount. Thats all.
As to the calculation, it depends on your comune, the catastal value of your property, and the aliquota the comune has set. I would call the IMU office of your comune and ask them for help.
As a further note - not all land is exempt. You are at sea level so I presume you would pay on land unless it is exempt for some reason.
Yes, but its a long and complicated process, that requires various offices in Rome giving assent. it wont be done at the wedding. You will then need to start the process, cancel your old codice fiscale, and get a new one when Rome lets you complete it all. Its probably easier getting married in Ireland!
alanh -presumbaly you are married in separation of goods? If you are in communion of goods (default state for UK and Italian residents) she is owner of 50% whether you like it or not.
Ugo is right. If he buys before the decree absolute then the wife is automatically 50% owner.
The Assic Volontaria gives you full access to state healthcare - a family GP, hospitals, clinics etc - but not provate healthcare unless your doctor prescribes it. After 5 years as a resident you would be a long term resident and be entitled to health care.
It would make no difference as to whether you were domiciled here, it is your tax contributions which count. If you have residency and leave italy for more than 6months within the first 5 years, you lose your residence and have to start again - so your 'few months' a year in Sicly becomes very important.
The question is how did you get your residency without having health insurance, as the two are now mutually dependent.
AS to whether it's the law, I would say its an interpretation of the law.
There is a default in ITalian law for both access and maintenance, but the access should be written into your act of sale. As regards maintenance, it may be that the roof (for example) is 50/50, but it doesnt mean your neighbour will fork out the money if needed. However, its a very common situation in Italy. Obviously if you have a water leak and it damages the downstairs property they will want you to pay for the damage, so insurance is always a good idea.