modicasa's activity

Questions Asked

Can you sort out the website so we can reply to questions?  Thanks 

Comments posted

Alot depends on whether you have or are planning to have an Italian bank account.


Electricity - call the provider - it will be ENEL energia or ENel Servizio Nazionale - if the last owner left a bill you can easily find that out. If the electricity is disconnected you will need to the get it reconnected which is different from just changing names on the bill - a 'subentro' .   They will want all sorts of info, codice fiscale, residence, domicilio etc and a way to pay the bill if you're not going to be here to pay in at the tabacchi.

Gas - the same, but depends on your provider.

Water/Refuse/IMU - you will need copies of your act of purchase and a trip to the appropritate office at the comune - or email if the offices are closed  due to covid.   Get a PEC address (Aruba is easiest) for all official correspondence - its the only way to ensure a reply.  

Internet - choose whether you want a fixed line or a mofi and then search the websites for offers - TIM,Vodafone, Tre, Infostrada, Linkem, etc etc - You need to know if you need a line installing or if there is an existent one.  

If you stay for more than 90 days you would have to apply for residency in your comune.  Your wife would have to apply for a Permesso di Soggiorno for 'ricongiungimento familiare' which would allow her to stay with you.   If you stay for more than 90 days under the radar then your wife only has the option of a visa for residenza elettiva and then a permesso di Soggiorno. 


In what way set?  Taxes are calculated on the price paid for land.  Notaries are paid  in bands according to the purchase price and typology of act.    A sale for a piece of land and a house are difficult to compare. 

The IMU is a tax on the householder, so once the succession is done, the new owners will be responsible for its payments at their quota of ownership.  The sanctions for late payment are very small, so even if you pay 6 months late, its not the end of the world.   ENEL is your only big problem.   Most comunes allow payments from a foreign bankaccount if you dont have an Italian bank account, andprovide a IBAN for the purpose.    However you do need an Italian bank account to pay the taxes on the succession, as theyare now taken out directly by the tax office.  That could be a bigger problem than bills. 

As regards selling, apart from the practical difficulties of showing/seeing a property, the market is surprisingly buoyant.  

There a few points here.  Firstly if the owner of the house is dead, it is reasonable to assume that bills wont be paid - and the bills that are in his name can wait.  your fathers estate - theprobate should be don within  a year of his death, or you will pay sanctions.

To transfer the property to his heirs the succession must be doone in Italy, and the will if there is one, published in Italy e, even ifyou are claiming inheritance law in another country.  


 If there is only the eletricity to pay then it needs to be put into your name and you can pay online.  I dont see the need to pay a lawyer firm and their charges for smoething virtually  anyone could do.

Seismic works mainly fall under different incentives that are available to Italian taxpayers (though there is some talk that also these may soon be ableto  be ceded to a building company/bank).  You would have to use the ecobnus/sismabonus at 110% which would entail other works to allowyou to have  the prerequisites to qualify.   Antiseismic works would not normally increase your energetic rating by two  classes which is a  fundamental prerequisite to obtain the incentives.

The text of the decree makes no mention of citizenship, only that it is available to residents and non residents and initself refers to the decree of 22 December 1986 n. 917 whcih says the same thing.   

What changes in taxation do you mean?  There arent any. 

Have you registered on the website?  Who did the change of user on your account in the beginning?  They may have registered you for online bills only.   If you register on the site, with email and codice fiscale, you should be able to check your usage.   What do you mean when you say 'you cant get ENEL to send you a bill'?  

which enel are you?  Energia or SEN?

You need ES (screw) not bayonet fittings as AlanH says.  You cannot buy incandescent bulbs in Italy so they must be LED.  Otherwise they are exactly the same as UK light fittings, unless you want to earth them.