alan h's activity

Questions Asked

TARI Tax 2024


Just had my TARI bill for 2024.  I used the PagoPA website to pay it online 

I had major problems with it not accepting my payment - it seemed to freeze after the card details were entered.

Travelling back from Lake Orta area in N Italy, we travelled to the Simplon Pass to reach our first overnight stop in Sion.

Imagine our delight to find that a landslide has closed the pass "for the foreseeable future"

Don't forget - IMU 1st payment due 16th June

Swiss Motorway Vignette - Online E-Purchase.


You can now buy a e-vignette online.  All electronic, so no sticker issued.  It work by using your car number plate. 


We used to use Book Depository to get books for our Italian friends at Christmas.

Book Depository now closed.  Does anyone know of an Italian (or EU) bookshop that will accept orders from the UK and deliver to an Italian address?

Train travel from UK to Italy 


Open Log Fires in Piemonte [and other areas]




EU Entry Permit Required From 2024




I am aware that some posters on this site have got the IMU discount for UK Pensioners with a holiday home in Italy, that is not rented out at all.

Comments posted

I know it's several years ago, but we bought the flatpack beds and rolled up foam mattresses from IKEA.  They fitted in the car for transporting to our house 

Drove back last week from Italy to UK

Switzerland  - no restrictions

France - few restrictions,  mainly masks on Public Transport

United Kingdom - No restrictions, or checks on entry (even if not vaccinated)

Go to your local super/hypermarket and buy some bags of pellets there.

This may help.

Don't give up.   Talk to the Comune if the limits in modicasa's post below are being exceeded . That's what I would do. 


Not sure - it could be.

Sad to say that when I have a question like that, I talk to my bilingual italian friend. 

He understands the 'Italian Mentality' and can deal with such things for me.

The comune is the local council.

If you are in Bergamo -

Talk to the Comune

Looks like French travel restrictions on UK residents may be lifted this weekend.  (We live in hope!)


Not sure you can do it in February, the French suspension of the transit rule could well be time limited - "over the New Year period " according to Sky News