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Wed, 03/31/2010 - 10:13

 AXA in Italy will also recognise your bonus.  If you provide proof they will 'convert' your no claims to their bonus system.  Hope this helps.

Wed, 02/17/2010 - 05:32

 Quote "I have never heard of the "other" forum, and to be honest I'm not really interested in what the nest of vipers over there is up to."   For someone who has never heard of the 'other' forum, barga14, that is a lovely balanced view of its members that you have voiced.  Nice, really nice.

Answer to: Community Spirit
Tue, 02/09/2010 - 15:18 that some of the fragile blossoms go out of their way to look for insults (real or otherwise) and revel in the 'fame! That's part of the problem.

Answer to: Community Spirit
Mon, 02/08/2010 - 09:49

 Quote "Rosko, I do not see any de-stabilising by the comments made here." Gala, do you honestly believe that posts inserting unrelated jokes and discussions about Rugby belong in this thread which was discussing, quite happily, ongoing issues in the Community and are not 'de-stabilising' and blatent and repeated attempts to derail a perfectly good debate?

Answer to: Community Spirit
Mon, 02/08/2010 - 05:09

It is really terribly sad that certain members of this forum who deplore alleged 'bullying', by those who are outwith the Forum Gang-hut, have chosen to use their own form of bullying to de-stabilise a legitimate thread (with perfectly legitimate questions and issues) through the use of idiotic joke posts and side-tracked discussions.  How does this conform with "self-moderation is the key word", Gala? Terribly, terribly sad and not a good omen for the future well-being of the Community.

Answer to: Community Spirit
Sun, 02/07/2010 - 17:19

 Great stuff, Gromit.  Your attitude and insight show exactly why this Forum is doing so well.

Answer to: Community Spirit
Sun, 02/07/2010 - 14:44

 Andrew, you are such a laugh!!

Answer to: Community Spirit
Sun, 02/07/2010 - 14:16

Gala, I fail to see what question AnneC answered with her post...the opposite in fact as you will see from mine...her post raised more questions than answers. Gromit, Gromit, freedom of speech is indeed a right and I would defend that right to the hilt on any forum...insults are another thing are pathetic attempts to encourage members to take a forum thread 'off-topic'...surely not in the spirit of "The Community"??

Answer to: Community Spirit
Sun, 02/07/2010 - 13:09

 Thank you for your valuable reply...I think perhaps I will give it up.  When it is now obvious that Angie is not going to apologise for her remarks, Gromit is not going to respond to my question of him and you have taken it upon yourself to excuse the insult on the basis that someone doesn't have a high opinion of you! I must remember this life-lesson, AnneC, that when someone insults you, you can excuse your friends when they insult someone who happens to be a member of another forum and who, to my knowledge, has neither maligned you nor Angie previously in order to 'merit' the attention. I hope that the members of this forum find it in themselves to ask you and Angie what it is about ItaiaUncovered that you find so fascinating that you are obviously well up to date with matters there.  Perhaps you can explain to the members here why, having been so maligned and insulted, you keep going back for a wee peek to see what is going on?  Why don't you just join Uncovered and give the members there the benefit of your wisdom and insight?  Or perhaps you are already a member there? As CaroleB asked you on this thread "what is your pseudonym on Uncovered?"...that too, like so many of the good questions will remain unanswered! Have a nice day:)

Answer to: Community Spirit
Sun, 02/07/2010 - 05:43's ok to throw an insult/slight/personal remark at someone and then not apologise for it afterwards when it becomes clear that offence has been taken by that individual or others, is that what you're saying Gromit? Is that not what caused the furore against others in the 'former' forum in the first place - acts of just such alleged 'bullying' with no hint of an apology/remorse?? Acts that many who are still here condemned and who demanded that action be taken against those responsible? As for 'required to be sorry', I never said anything about a requirement, merely commented on the lack of one.   (edit : added the word 'alleged')