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Answer to: Bouganvillea
Thu, 07/16/2009 - 04:24

I was living in Pisa until 10 days ago and had one, which we brought with us from Greece, growing and flowering very happily for 3 years in a pot. It was up against the wall of the house and was glorious. We now have it back 'home' in Salisbury ready to take with us on our next adventure - hopefully in the not too distant future. Have bougainvillea, will travel .

Fri, 05/29/2009 - 14:11

Unfortunately we are having to move back to the UK at the end of June and the removals firm have no problems with the plants I want to take back - a bougainvillea, a money tree plus a couple of indoor plants too. Sentimental plants as I bought them when we lived in Greece and they came with us to Italy - the others are going to good homes here!!!! I did enquire when we left Greece to come here and was told that as they were domestic plants within EU not a problem.......

Answer to: Fresh Start
Fri, 05/15/2009 - 12:27

Have to agree with all of the above and Piazza Cavalieri looks SO much better now all the scaffolding has gone. Looking forward at some stage to be able to see the Piazza Emmanuelle - in the 30 months we have lived here it has been covered as they are building an underground car park....