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Wed, 06/25/2014 - 08:59

Hi there,you can ask me whatever you want about Abruzzo as I was born there and lived right on the coast for more than 30 years and I used to accompany tourists around my I have moved to Switzerland(my husband is Swiss) 'cause, like you, I wanted to experience something new and give my daughter a different view of life and both the chance to enjoy a southern land during the holidays and a northern country where schools are renomated. I have a nice flat in Tortoreto Alto, it's on the hills but 5 min distance from the sandy beaches and my intention is to sell it. If you are interested, I can send you pics and the cost is affordable. I would recommend you to have a go and look around the area to see if you like it, in case you'd like the place, my sister (who speaks English too) can show you round my flat. We know a lot of people who have relocated from Britain or America cause we had a private school of languages and since 2007 a cultural association where several mothertongue teachers are employed. Most of them have liked the area, stayed for a periode and then moved again for personal, as you can see, I am a good mine of info for you..just let me know what can help you..Laura