HiI'm going to a concert at San Siro in July and am having trouble working out how to get there from Milan (using public transport) as everything I look at tells me something different from the last thing I looked at!
HelenMW's activity
Questions Asked
Sorry this request may be a little vague. I believe that there is some kind of classic car race this weekend (18th/19th June) and have forgotten the name to get more info.
Can anyone suggest a website where I can find out conditions, especially around Switzerland so I can decide whether to chance it or just go through France and also I have an Italian car-do I need to get headlight converters.
Does anyone have Vodafone as their ADSL provider at home (rather than on a mobile phone)? I am so fed up with the ADSL service from Telecom Italia that I am considering telling them to stick it and move over to Vodafone.
Hi.I'm a self employed dance teacher and need to include a privacy statemnent, including handling of data and taking photos etc. Does anyone know where I can find one and which section of legislation it needs to comply to.
I have a Series 5 Samsung full HD TV and bought an HD hard drive.
Was a bit worried as we hadn't renewed our health cover in January. had been told last month (when I went to the wrong section) that we would only get a year's cover as we're not Italian.
so this is of great interest to me.. I'm off to the ASL within the next couple of weeks so if you need anything done or any questions asked while I'm there please let me knowHelen
This is a question I've windered about every year for the past 3 years and this year I've actually remembered to ask it!
but how can I join this group- being a bit of a technophobe I've just got over the trauma of having to rejoin the forum but now can't seem to do a blessed thing!
Comments posted
Thanks everyone for your help. The walk sounds good. It's Depeche Mode we're going to see which gives away my age :-)
Why is thsi called "when only a fish finger will do" when they don't sell fish fingers?
I have heard that Ariel Active can get out washed in stains like these but can't seem to find it here (don't know if you have anyone coming over who could bring some), Recently I have discovered that Vanish colour run and stain remover saches seem to work on a fresh stain and levae your sheets realy white. They come in a box of 10 and cost about €5 so are cheaper than new sheets
Scarfiotti- that's the one! Thanks
It only bugs me being stopped when I'm on my way home with my lovely fresh takeaway pizza! Based on the experience of a friend, if you have non Italian plates, but have an Italian ID card, do not show this ID card as your ID when stopped or they will fine you for not changing the plates (or at least try)
There's a place called Ivo just outside Grottamare that ahs some differenet plants and also will order for you if they think they can get hold of them. Head down the Val Tesino towards Grottamare and turn right immediately after "International Bois". Ivo is then the last gate on your left. Their prices are also extremely reasonable
Hi Penny We'll be heading into this minefield in June so add us to the list please Regards Helen
Do you use spring or well water to fill your pool- this will turn the water green and you'll need to shock it to clear it. Prices for maintaing your pool will depend on whether you buy your own chemicals or not and very much on who does the maintenance. Opening and closing of your poolby a pool installation company in this area (I'm in AP) will cost between €500 and €600 but this won't include any cleaning but should include a maintenance contract for the year. You can also use people who just deal in pool and/or house maintenance who probably won't offer you a specific maintenance contract (as in if there are problems) but can do week by week maintenance and deal with issues as & when they arise
Thanks everyone for all your help, especially the bit about the black tape- and yes we have got the Chris Rea song ready and waiting to go- merry chrsitmas all!
I've also set up a (very small!) business. Feel free to PM me if you want